
Important Dates


You must register for GST if you carry out a taxable activity and:
     – Your turnover was $60,000 or more in the last 12 months or will be $60,000 or more in the next 12 months, OR
     – your prices include GST


If you had more than $2,500 tax to pay at the end of the year from your last income tax return, you’ll have to pay provisional tax the following year. This usually happens when you earn income without having tax deducted during the year.


Very specific rules apply to different categories of entertainment. Some entertainment expenses can be fully deducted, while others can only be 50% deducted. Entertainment can mean food and drink, social events, trips, accommodation, privileges, musical, sporting or theatrical events, and freebies (free samples).

You can never deduct your private entertainment expenses, even if you pay for them from a business bank account.


A tax year refers to the period 1st April – 31st March. For example, the 2023 tax year starts on 1st April 2022 and ends on 31st March 2023. This is different to a calendar year and it is important to remember that the IRD looks at your income in tax years.

Refunds cannot be processed for the latest tax year until mid-June following the end of that financial year, e.g. for the tax year ending 31st March 2023 refunds will not be released until mid-June 2023.

Your organisation must hold all records for seven years, even if you cease operating (except for incorporated organisations that have been wound up and dissolved). IRD can also extend the period you must keep records for if they intend to audit or investigate your organisation. If this is the case, they will write and tell you what records to keep.

All your records must be in English, unless IRD gives you written approval to use another language.


Useful Links

Inland Revenue

IRD gives you comprehensive information on tax, tax credits, child support, Working for Families Tax Credits and more. It also has interactive calculators and tools which can help on estimating child support payments, taxes etc.

Companies Office

Business and legal information on starting a company, doing a business overseas and general administration of corporate body registers. Includes useful tools and statistics, as well as a comprehensive business directory.

Accident Compensation Levy

Information on compensation claims and levies, injury prevention, along with information on what you are entitled to claim.

Tax Code Finder

This helps to work out what your tax code should be. 

Write To Us

Leave us a message and we will respond to you within 24 hours! If you would like us to give you a call, just leave your number in the messege section

Don't wait for the financial year to end, just give us a call and we will be happy to take you on board!

Proud to be..

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